Acquiring quality education is not easy as it requires a lot of financial investment, effort, and time for students. The huge financial cost incurred to students in pursuing higher education often make their parents debt-ridden. However, gaining a recognised certification and quality education at a lower price is possible in Australia.
Are you looking for quality education at an affordable price?
Many vocational and technical courses are offered at lower prices at Australian universities than their counterparts in the UK and the US. Courses include in this category entry-level certificate courses, advanced diplomas, and bachelor programs. Course length and fees depend on education providers and locations. In Melbourne, the average cost of these courses is $3000 for 26 weeks.
If you wish to know the cheapest courses for international students in Australia, here are some of them listed below:
- Certificate or Diploma of Business
- Certificate or Diploma in Accounting
- Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Diploma in Project Management
- Certificate or Diploma in Information Technology
- And many
Good news for the aspirants wanting to study an entry-level course in social work in Australian universities. Pursuing a diploma in social work is both affordable and useful in launching your career in the industry. You get to know the ethics through practical training in the relevant projects. Work experience and skills help to succeed as a social worker. Best of all, students receive a renowned certificate that brings higher career prospects in future. In short, there is no better place than Australia to start your dream career than in Australia.
Guidance and help are necessary for an international student studying in Australia. Finding a course that suits your budget and career goal is challenging. Consult with education consultant in Brisbane to get reliable information on the education system, top courses, and the best universities/colleges based on your goal.
AECC Global is a recognised education agency and visa consultancy headquartered in Melbourne. The agency has partnered with over 300 colleges and universities, placed over 15K thousand students from 100 nations till date across institutions in Australia.
Need an honest guidance from an education expert? Book an appointment with AECC Global education experts for counselling today.
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